
Wenda20180225B  17:32  村中木房屋发生火灾,菩萨慈悲让风向转,避免一场灾难



Wenda20180225B  17:32 

Title: A fire broke out in a wooden house in a village, Guan Yin Bodhisattva mercifully changed the wind direction, saving people from a disaster

Caller: Dear Master Lu, Here I would like to let you know about an incident. It happened not long ago; it occurred in my hometown — Bagan Hailam in Port Klang, Malaysia, where there are only wooden houses. One night at ten, a fire broke out. A Buddhist friend’s elderly mother who had had a stroke and his brother phoned in saying that the fire had been burning and was at the ninth house already. The mother's home is also a wooden house and they didn't know what to do in that instance.


The Buddhist friend and the family were driving while performing recitations. In the meantime, they were also praying out loud, “Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please help my mother! Please may Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy and sprinkle some holy water!” Just when the fire had reached the ninth house, the wind suddenly shifted its direction. At last, only the side walls of the mother’s home were burnt but her house didn’t collapse. Our deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva! I urge everyone to believe in Buddhism and perform more virtuous deeds.


Master Jun Hong Lu: Now you know that Guan Yin Bodhisattva never tells lies and answers every prayer. (Right) It is great when you believe in Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Guan Yin Bodhisattva's performance of efficacious events is even more noticeable than it was in the past. People nowadays suffer too much. Do you understand? (Yes, people are so pitiful. Luckily, the Buddhist friends had been reciting Buddhist scriptures and practicing Buddhism. That's why the ninth house wasn’t burnt down) Yes, how good is that?


Things are burnt and people died, that’s it. (Yes, we have to be grateful to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and also thankful to the Buddhist friends here! Again, I urge everyone to please believe in Buddhism and perform more virtuous deeds.) Yes. (It is because we always protect, and are stationed at, the Guan Yin Hall, and practise generosity and giving and performing good deeds. Otherwise, it could have ended up worse.) Yes, you should spread this out, and let more people know. Sharing more about this kind of efficacious events will also allow you to gain merits and virtues. Understand? (Sure. This is a miracle. A lot of things happened to us. Thank you, Master Lu, for bringing us such an amazing Buddhist practice.)



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