2017年12月3日 新西兰奥克兰法会卢军宏台长开示摘要(下)
Extract from Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk in New Zealand, Auckland – 3rd December 2017
Master Jun Hong Lu JP: Buddha explains how to solve the tiredness in life
At that time, someone asked Buddha: Life is so tiring, how could this be solved? Buddha answered: The heaviness of life half stems from survival, and the other half stems from desire and comparison. If you do not allow too much desire to reside in your heart, then there would not be suffering.
When we first came to Australia, just as many of you when you first came to New Zealand, you might have thought, “As long as I have a house to live in, it would be enough.” But gradually, after a while, you saw things and thought, ‘Wow, look at that humongous house; I want one’. Although you are already in old age, you still want to work and earn more money. This would only do more harm to your body.
If a person is not greedy and can say, ‘It’s enough. I’m satisfied. I’m OK’, that is being content with what you have.
Do not let too much desire reside in your heart. A person only has one heart with two atriums. In one atrium lives happiness, and in the other lives sadness. Do not be overjoyed; if you are overly happy, and laugh too loudly, it will wake up sadness on the other side.