2017年12月3日 新西兰奥克兰法会 卢军宏台长开示摘要




Extracts from Master Jun Hong Lu’s Dharma Talk in New Zealand, Auckland3rd December 2017

When it comes to family conflicts and dealing with others, you should learn to adapt to the social environment so as to brighten your surroundings.

Learn to adjust your mindset so you can avoid being pessimistic and depressed;

Learn to forgive others so your life can become carefree;

Learn to dedicate yourself to helping others so you can fill your life with positive energy.

If you look at this world with emotions, it would be a tragedy; if you look at this world with rationality, it would be a tragicomedy; if you look at this world with stubbornness, it would be a farce; and if you look at this world with wisdom, it would be a play that manifests the law of causality. 



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