wenda20170407  14:44 











Caller: A Buddhist friend’s son is only one-year-old. A few months ago, he suddenly became sick and was hospitalised. He has some breathing difficulties and must rely on a breathing machine to sustain his life. He has been in ICU for five months. Doctors cannot diagnose the disease and suspect it is a neurological muscular atrophy of the respiratory system, but the treatment has not yet been confirmed. 
Now, in order to save the child, the Buddhist friend has already made vows to become a full vegetarian, recite 1,000 Little Houses, where she has already burnt 400; to liberate 40,000 fish; and promote Buddhism to 200 people every year. However, the child is no better and they do not have the money to transfer him to another hospital for another treatment. Please, Master Lu, what should this Buddhist friend do next?

Master Lu: First, this child must have heavy karmic debts; second, all of these were conducted by the parents after the child became ill.

Caller: Yes.

Master Lu: Let me ask you; if there is a person who has been your friend for many years and there is a person who is estranged to you, but both suddenly need your help, which one would you be more willing to help?

Caller: The person who has been my friend for many years. That means the cause, which the Buddhist friend has planted, hasn't yet borne fruit.

Master Lu: Some people practice Buddhism in times of emergency, but Bodhisattva isn’t a corrupt official. They offer incense to Bodhisattva, liberate some fish, and so on; they become a good person now, but do you think Bodhisattva can instantly modify all their karma from the past? Bodhisattva doesn’t intervene with the laws of cause and effect.

Caller: Yes.

Master Lu: That is the problem. Why are many people, who already practise Buddhism, able to ward off calamities in times of need?

Caller: Because they have sufficient merits and virtues to ward off the disaster.

Master Lu: Exactly, they already have merits and virtues. The child’s parents practiced Buddhism at the last minute, so it won't be effective. As a long-standing Chinese proverb said, ‘To clasp the Buddha's feet at the last minute’, meaning not making an effort until the last minute.

Caller: Yes, there still aren’t enough merits and virtues.

Master Lu: For example, a tree has already started to rot. You can only cut it down completely, and then plant a seed into the empty soil, so it will grow a new and healthy sprout. There is a process.  If there is a rotten tree, and you plant a new seed in there, will it still grow healthily? No; the rot will take over the new seed.

Caller: Right. Master Lu, you have great mercy and great compassion. My husband and I keep thinking about the problem of the child. During the morning of the day before yesterday, you looked at the Totem of the child in my husband’s dream, but he didn’t remember anything you said. The Buddhist friend is anxious and keeps urging us to call the Totem radio program. We tried several times but couldn’t get through.


Master Lu: Your husband didn’t hear what I said, I was just looking at the Totem in his dream, not curing the child’s disease. Have you ever heard how many people’s diseases have been cured by me directly in their dreams? If I cure his disease, that means he is blessed and has good aura. Now I was just looking at the Totem to tell him the problems being faced.
Now these things have already erupted, and been turned into junk. Before the eruption, it was just a hill filled with a heap of detonators and bombs. If the hill doesn’t explode, it is still a hill that can be stopped from erupting while karmic obstacles are gradually eliminated. Given that it exploded today, it has already become a heap of explosives and junk, and you will have to clean up the mess.

Caller: Then, we should act in accordance with the conditions instead.

Master Lu: You need to tell her, ‘Take it slow. You can only act in accordance with conditions. Try to pray every day. Bodhisattva is merciful and compassionate and will give you blessings’. However, she shouldn’t have this kind of attitude, ‘Ah! I have already burnt a lot of Little Houses, liberated 30,000 fish, why isn’t my child any better?’ With this attitude, how can the prayer come true? In this world, is there anything which would come true instantly once you prayed? Even if there were, it would still take three to four days. Many people require one month to completely recover from cancer. This is already the fastest case.

Caller: OK. Gratitude to you, Master Lu.



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